Your son or daughter, demob happy having finished school, lockdown restrictions lifted and carried by the elation of England’s progress in Euro 2021 has joined a group of friends to enjoy the spectacle in a pub or park. There have been so few opportunities to enjoy a shared crowd experience, they are not going to miss this .
Drinking started early and continued during the game, with a round of shots after each goal and then another .
Worse for wear and joining in the mass chants of “it’s coming home “ and “Sweet Caroline” , they find their boisterous behavior prevents them from thinking straight. A simple failure to use a correct ticket on transport or an inappropriate remark at a passer-by leads to a row, the police intervene. They are asked to provide details show their fake ID that is used to get served at the bar or worse still a small lump of cannabis found in their jeans pocket.
The police cells are busy. There are only two officers on duty to process all the detainees. They won’t question anyone who is deemed unfit through drink until the following morning, and even then , they need to make enquiries that the night shift officers failed to carry out. They will be lucky to be released by lunchtime
It won’t happen to my son or daughter, most people think. We have unfortunately seen far too often people who have make drunken errors of judgment in carried away by the moment. The problem is, by then it may be too late for the young person marking the period between the end of school and the commencement of their university degree or an apprenticeship,
How we can help ?
We operate a 24 police station advise service, but we are often approached after the release from police custody to assist in working with you to prepare a letter to the prosecuting authorities inviting them not to pursue any course that may harm their prospects, or if a decision is made to prosecute we can assist at court. If you need help, please contact our team of expert criminal defence lawyers on 02078373456.
We would rather not have to advise , and would encourage everyone to follow Southgate and the team by making sure that you come home after the match.