Burglary and Self-Defence

The law of self-defence is again in the spotlight following the case of 78-year-old Richard Osborn-Brooks who was briefly investigated after the fatal stabbing of a burglar who entered his property. Mr Osborn-Brooks woke in the early hours to find two men in his house and stabbed one of the intruders in the upper body, … Continued

The Disclosure and Barring Service

The DBS is a government organisation responsible for the reporting of convictions and other information to employers and other relevant organisations. What Data is Held? The DBS holds three classes of information: Class 1: spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands and final warnings Class 2: class 1 information plus police intelligence information (for example the … Continued

Searching For Answers

In Entick v Carrington (1765), a case concerning the entry to and searching of premises, the court ruled: “…if this is law it would be found in our books, but no such law ever existed in this country; our law holds the property of every man so sacred, that no man can set his foot … Continued

Shaken Baby Syndrome

The unlawful death of a child is always a deeply traumatic act and one that shakes any society to its core. For some parents, it represents not only a deeply personal and tragic loss but the beginning of a nightmare. The reality in most murder and manslaughter cases is that the perpetrator is known, and close … Continued

Doctors in the Dock

Many in the medical profession are up in arms following a recent High Court case involving Dr Bawa-Garba (General Medical Council v Bawa-Garba [2018] EWHC 76 (Admin). The case followed on from proceedings before the Medical Practitioners Tribunal which had rules that Bawa-Garba should be suspended from practice for a period of one-year. That ruling … Continued

The Disclosure Timebomb

BSB Partner Jonathan Black writes for Legal Voice on why disclosure must remain in the news. Disclosure was a ticking bomb ready to explode. For years lawyers campaigning against legal aid cuts were advised by sympathetic reporters that they needed real examples about real people. Whilst we all had clients who could say that their … Continued

Is it lawful to hit a child ?

Laws that criminalise unlawful violence date back to 1861 and are used every day in criminal courts to support prosecutions. Despite what might appear to be an obvious legal position, the question is often asked as to whether, despite those laws, it is permissible to ‘smack’ a child. The simple answer is that it is … Continued

Sexting between teens and the legal consequences

A phone call and a summons into school about a Child’s “sexting behaviour “ can be deeply traumatic for all involved and have potentially life and prospective career changing consequences for the child and is obviously distressing for the parents. The Law as it stands Making, distributing, and possession of indecent images of children is … Continued

Driving Disqualification: How to Get Your Licence Back?

In some instances, it is possible to apply to a court and ask that a driving ban is ended early. Therefore, if your circumstances have changed since being disqualified, it is worth discussing with one of our criminal law specialists whether or not you can take advantage of this legal provision. If you have been … Continued

Doing Stir fry instead of Porridge

For 13 burglaries, with a value totalling over £100,000, Mr N, 20, walked free from court yesterday with a 22-month sentence suspended for 2 years – thanks to BSB Solicitors. Prosecuting Counsel  told Ms Recorder Jones at Southwark Crown Court that in some of the burglaries knives and baseball bats had “been displaced, doubtless for … Continued

Taxi driver accused of refusing to take an assistance dog acquitted

At Stevenage Magistrates’ court last week BSB solicitors in-house barrister Craig Crosbie secured the acquittal of a Bishops Stortford taxi driver and father of 6, KU, accused of refusing to carry an assistance dog – and so saving his licence and livelihood! Ms C gave her evidence sitting, with her golden labrador guide dog, Jess, beside her. She told … Continued