Court of Appeal success for client

Jon Black appeared in the Court of Appeal on behalf of a client recently and was successful in appealing the Crown Courts’ sentence. He successfully argued that the dangerousness provisions ought not apply and so the Court of Appeal quashed an extended sentence for a client sentenced for possessing indecent images.

Pigeon Feeder ASBO

Jim Skelsey helped our client in an Appeal against her ASBO Our client was made subject to an ASBO for persistently feeding pigeons. We helped her Appeal, although ultimately she decided not to pursue that.

Serious Fraud Office prosecution

After nearly 25 years, the SFO were relieved to finally end a long running investigation. Paul Butcher, who represented Mr Advani, and who worked with Adrian Eissa and Tom Wainwright of Garden Court Chambers, was pleased that our clients’ ordeal finally ended, but was not pleased with the outcome. The decision to imprison Mr Advani … Continued

Case in The Hague concludes

What has been the longest running prosecution in The Hague has finally concluded, BSB Solicitors has been involved there as co-counsel. The Courts’ decision is now awaited, after a six-year prosecution, where a partner at BSB appeared as co-counsel. The’ final ‘brief’ to the Tribunal can be read here.

Romanian Benefit fraud prosecution

We were recently involved in a case where a number of Romanians were convicted of benefit fraud allegations. The case attracted some adverse publicity and highlights how we still seem to demonize offenders by their racial origins. The Suns‘ article, in particular, provides a flavour of this, with the comments from its readers illuminating. Paul Butcher was the … Continued

Besnik Qema wins his Appeal

The CCRC referral of Mr Qemas’ conviction has finally resulted in his conviction being overturned. After a six year struggle for justice Mr Qema has finnaly won his fight for justice. Paul Butcher had been working with Tim Moloney QC to try to over turn a conviction Mr Qema received in 2005 for possessing a … Continued

Robbery spree

We acted for a client involved in a robbery spree across London Jim Skelsey represented a client who was accused of a series of armed robberies across London.

CCRC referral following ‘fake sheikh’

Following years of fighting his innocence our client finally won his battle for his conviction to be referred to the Court of Appeal. Paul Butcher had been previously involved in the ‘Red Mercury case’ which had been started through the activities of the ‘Fake Sheikh’, and resulted in acquittals for all defendants. As a result of this Paul … Continued

Soldier in case with camera phone

We acted for a soldier who was arrested using a camera phone Our client was caught using a camera phone. Ravinder Khumra able to help the client keep his liberty, although the trauma of appearing in court led to his whole world being turned upside down.

Finley Quaye case thrown out

We acted for Finley Quaye in a case which was concluded in his favour. We were pleased to achieve a positive outcome for Finley who faced allegations of assault. We adopted a proactive approach, and the CPS were forced to concede they had failed to properly prepare or present their case.

Youth offenders

We acted for a defendant accused of involvement in an incident on the train Ravinder Khumra acted for a young person caught up in an incident which was widely reported as gang related. This was untrue, but the ‘story’ was more important.

Benefits prosecution

Ravinder Khumra acted for a Defendant in a prosecution brought by a Local Authority. The press reports focussed on matters which did not reflect the true position of her case, and so Ravinder was asked to correct inaccuracies.