Client acquitted

James Skelsey acted for a client recently acquitted and who faced allegations of riot following last summer disturbances.


The client charged with five other defendants with an offence of violent disorder arising from the summer riots in the summer of 2010 has been acquitted.  The Crown’s case was that the police saw a group of youths armed with baseball bats, claw hammers, sticks and other various weapons as they chased a youth into a shop and then damaged the shop in question.  The police arrived and arrested nine of the group albeit that only six were subsequently charged with the offence of violent disorder.  If convicted, our client could have expected to receive a lengthy custodial sentence as were being routinely handed out for anyone convicted of offences related to the disturbances over the summer.

Our client denied any involvement in the riots.  His said he was at home when he received a call from someone he didn’t know asking him to come and get his friend who had been injured.  He went to help his friend but before he could do so he was arrested by the police.

James Skelsey  was able to trace the person who called him,  which was a major contributory factor to securing the client’s acquittal.