Justice delayed, a living denied

.A jury took just over one hour to acquit our client who faced trial on an allegation that was first made 6 years ago. He was represented by Neena Crinnion of 3TG chambers  instructed by Jonathan Black

In January 2019,  “Tom”  spent an early evening drinking with the complainant  leading to disastrous consequences . After an initial report was made to police  “Tom”  was arrested and questioned in January 2019  before the allegations were withdrawn in August of that year. Although was reaching his final months before graduation , “Tom”  had already withdrawn from his university degree as a result of the impact that the arrest had upon him .

Instead of being able to put this matter behind him “Tom” was further questioned in January 2021 as a result of further potential evidence coming to light.  By August 2022 after a full review a decision to take no further action was made and confirmed by a senior crown prosecutor. The matter proceeded to court because  the complainant was able to exercise the decision not to pursue this. Tom  was requisitioned to  attend court n spring 2023 ( four years after the initial incident ), but took ten hearings including  an aborted trial due to failure of video editing equipment to work ,  before he was able to move beyond this dystopian experience of the justice system at its worse .  Although delighted at the outcome, this experience, cost Tom  both mentally and financially as expenses incurred  for self funding clients are rarely recoupable in full, if at all in many situations.


Contact our team  of defence experts on 0207 8373456 if you have a similar issue that that requires our advise .