Public Nuisance – Disquiet over sentencing

On 18th July 2024, Judge Christopher Hehir sentenced five defendants convicted of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance for coordinating direct action protests on the M25 over four days in November 2022. One defendant received a sentence of 5 years; the other four defendants received sentences of 4 years imprisonment. The case sparked immediate commentary … Continued

New Public Order Powers In Force

New and very wide ranging public order powers to prevent individuals from causing repeated serious disruption came into force on 5th April 2024. The Government says that: “In recent years, we have seen an increase in protest tactics that are dangerous and cause serious disruption. The Government is committed to ensuring that the hard-working public … Continued

New Public Order Laws – Curbs on peaceful protest ?

Current legislation to manage protests provides predominantly for powers to counter behaviours at protests which are violent or distressing to the public. These powers include those under the Public Order Act 1986 (the “1986 Act”) which provides the police with powers to manage public processions and assemblies, including protests. Sections 12 and 14 of the … Continued

The new Lockdown

Lockdown 2 A new lockdown is in force across England from midnight on 5th November 2020 for 28 days. The new laws are intended to dampen down the spread of Covid19 and ensure that the National Health Service is not overwhelmed due to demand breaching its operational capacity. What can I still do? You can … Continued

A Summer of Protest?

As we slowly exit the Covid19 ‘lockdown’ we have seen several protests in major cities. As life moves toward a more ‘normal’ footing, whatever that may be, and as we enter the Summer months, protest action may likely increase. In this article, we explore some of the legal powers that regulate processions and assemblies, found … Continued

Damage of Statues – Sentencing Implications

On Sunday 7 June protesters in Bristol tore down the statue of Edward Colston and swiftly deposited it in the local harbour.   The statute had been in situ for 125 years and had previously attracted a petition of over 10,000 names calling for its removal, due to Colston’s close connection to the slave trade. The … Continued